working for myself

Posted on: Monday 15 October 2012

Around 3 years ago I decided to take a leap of faith and start my own business.

It was not without hesitation, I questioned whether I had the skills necessary to run my own show, to be organised enough to get out of bed each day and source my own work, but after much internal debate I ventured into the world of self employment. 

James encouraged me when I had moments of doubt. I was given a husband with an incredibly creative mind, he knows how to take a small idea and turn it into a well oiled plan. James and I spent many a nights talking over business proposals and sketches and deciding what path would be best for me to take. 

Slowly, as our words became actions- business began to roll in and my venture into makeup artistry full time started to support itself. James was still studying at the time and this allowed us both a little more flexibility with our time and finances. 

Over the next few months being self employed was allowing me the freedom and flexibility I really needed within my relationships, and my personal life. 

Working for myself, for James- and for our future family has opened so many doors. James and I talk openly about potential joint business ventures that we may take on together. We have realised that working from home will allow us more time with the people who are most important in our lives. 

Whilst we are aware that this lifestyle is what most would call slightly 'unrealistic' it is something we have chosen to pursue for the foreseeable future, and I wholeheartedly believe in our success. James lives with such determination and strength, I am so encouraged by his drive to succeed.

For now, I continue with my makeup artistry business, and I am encouraged that day by day we are living out the creative self supported life we intended for ourselves. 

the start of something

Posted on: Sunday 14 October 2012

We packed our bags and put all our faith into moving to a small seaside town. 
I am re-starting my business on the south coast of Western Australia and James has begun a new job in advertising. We knew nobody down here and nobody knew us, but we are getting there, meeting people, making those connections and friendships that may just blossom into something that could last beyond that first initial meet and greet. 

The people in this seaside town are more relaxed, they breathe easier. Maybe it's because they have less to focus on? Maybe it's because the beach is a maximum walk of 10 minutes from anywhere. 
All I know is that the people here seem to carry less weight on their shoulders. That was part of our reason for deciding to move, we wanted a lifestyle that offered us a slower pace, a more relaxed style of living. Mostly we wanted to appreciate and enjoy the smaller things.

So here we are, the beginning of something new. 

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